Sunday, September 16, 2012

On Our way to meet you!!

Excited about your arrival after a long wait of gestation.
Preparing your nursery and learning to care for you.  Feeling the time crunch and overwhelmed about what more I could have done these days with you inside of me. Our life is going to revolve around you and has almost already begun. It has sure been a long wait to meet you face to face. But wondering who is going to be with me like you did all these days? 
Quiet as a cucoon yet boisterously kicking and reacting with me to the surroundings. You were such a beloved company and I loved every bit of these nine months.  
Oh dear I can't look at you as another individual. You a part of me and now I understand why mothers lose patience when kids turn away from them. But you are and will be an individual who you are destined to be and it is my duty to understand you. You will be caring,responsible and well aware of all your decisions. I wish you health, happiness, success, prosperity and also the strength to overcome your hardships and make your own future. I will stand beside you to help, guide and encourage you in all walks of life. Love you loads.

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